Whilst there are many people who will say that they wish to become a doctor, the percentage of those people who actually have what it takes to do so is very small, and this is why not everyone can become a doctor. To find out exactly what you have to be made of in order to become a doctor, we spoke to the brilliant Dr. John Denboer, a leader in his field and very well respected surgeon, about what exactly people need in order to get to the stage where they can call themselves a doctor, let’s take a look.
Natural Ability
There re no two ways about it, those who become doctors already have the natural intelligence which is required to study for this career. these people have a natural gift when it comes to the sciences and understanding the human body, and this has to be in-built in anyone who genuinely wishes to become a doctor when they are older.
Work Ethic
Natural ability alone will never be enough to reach the top and those who really do wish to become doctors must also have a work ethic like no other. From the moment that one decides to become a medical professional, right up until the day that they retire, they have to give blood, sweat and tears to this career. The studies are heard and things don’t get any easier once they have earned their medical license. Without hard work you will not succeed.
The process to becoming a doctor is incredibly long, and this is of course with very good reason. It is important therefore that those who do have lofty ambitions of becoming a doctor also have a great deal of patience and are prepared to put in the long yards in order to get what they want from this career. The process should be long given the job that doctors do.
Thick Skin
The path to becoming a doctor is not just a long one but an arduous one and that is why anyone who wants to do it must have incredibly thick skin. Your emotions will be tested every step of the way as you are studying to work in this field and it is vital that you have what it takes to get through it.
It is impossible to have the required work ethic and level of patience and strength of emotions that you need to become a doctor if you do not have a raw passion for medicine and what it can do for everyone in this world. This is the most important attribute to possess and without it you simply won’t be able to reach the levels that you need to in order to become a fully licensed doctor, it just isn’t possible.
Do you think that you have what it takes? What kind of a doctor are you going to be when you get there? Let us know in the comments.