Picking a career is stressful, and many don’t find their calling until later in life. The mistake that many individuals make is thinking they are stuck in the career they are currently in. The weight that this can cause on your mental state can seem unbearable. But the good news is, you don’t have to feel cornered in your career. Consider these tips to make a positive life change.
Contact an NYC therapist
Any stressful event such as questioning your career warrants a professional therapy session. There is usually anxiety that is caused by feeling lost in your career path. The stigma around mental health is more removed than ever. You don’t have to be clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder to take the initiative to see a therapist.
Anxiety therapy can give you the resources to accept where you are at in life. It also can give you the tools to cope and move forward. Therapy can do wonders for those wanting to sort out their thoughts and feelings about their career and personal life. You will learn practices to deal with stress and anxiety that you can keep with your forever.
Speak with a mentor or boss
If you are lost in your career, you might feel like you can’t share this with other people around you, but this shouldn’t be the case. If anything, your coworkers will want to help you take a positive approach and give you feedback. If you have a supportive manager or boss, reaching out to them with questions will help them understand your situation. They could even guide you with their own advice in the field. Maybe they even see you better in a different position. This could lead to them reaching out and helping you shift into a new role. If anything, they can even redefine your tasks and position to make you a happier worker and employee.
Make a pro and con list for your job
You may wonder if it is your job or your career that you don’t like. Make a pro and con list about your position. Include details about your work environment, schedule, and daily tasks. Once you complete this list, you will be able to see more clearly what it is you don’t like. If it is the work itself, you can start evaluating ways to switch careers. If the negatives on the list are the company or work environment, it might be time to start looking for a new position that is perfect for you.
Learn new skills that qualify you for a different position
The only way to move is forward. Use this as a time in your life to make decisions and empower yourself. You are in control of what you learn and apply yourself to. Let’s say you work in HR but feel like you have always been interested in design. There are tons of free and paid classes that can teach you skills applicable to design. Thanks to technology, you can learn just about anything on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home.
Don’t let yourself remain stagnant. Build a website or portfolio for the career you want. You can do this all while working your current position, too. When the time comes, start reaching out to connections and looking for the career shift you are working towards. It is never too late.
Career anxiety can influence your mental health significantly. Take the active steps needed to transform your life and find yourself in a career you thoroughly enjoy.