If you are a pipe smoker, then selecting a good quality pipe tobacco is one of the most important things that you have to do. Pipe tobacco comes in many varieties, with each having its unique property. When it comes to pipe tobacco, most pipe users like to have original tobacco flavor using the dried tobacco leaf. A tiny percentage of people also like to use a specific blend or infused tobacco leaf for smoking through the pipe. No matter which tobacco leaf one uses, smoking through a pipe is not a normal affair as it is not as easy and smooth to smoke as you expected from a cigar or a cigarette. Pipes are also not meant for beginners because they can be really strong and harsh on the throat if not consumed properly. It is why a person needs to select the right pipe tobacco based on the qualities it has. Here are a few things that you should check before selecting the perfect pipe tobacco.
Burning speed
The burning speed of tobacco is what makes it last longer and provide better smoke while burning. If the tobacco burns faster, it would not last a long time, and it will also not have the depth of flavors and aroma that one requires from a pipe. Pipe tobacco should have a deep flavor and aroma, which can be easily identified by tobacco’s burning time. Deep and high-quality pipe tobacco will always burn slower when compared to other kinds of tobacco.
Pipe tobacco is mainly used by people who like the smell and taste of the original tobacco flavor without using any blends and chemicals in it. The pipe tobacco must have a rich aroma as soon as you bring it closer to your nostrils. The same aroma could also be felt at the time you inhale the smoke of it. The strong aroma in the tobacco hints towards the strong and rich flavor of the tobacco, one of the most important qualities while smoking a pipe.
Pipe tobacco is one of the most premium and raw qualities of tobacco leaf to be sold. The best type of tobacco leaf is that which has been aged for a long time. Aging the tobacco leaf makes the taste and flavor of the tobacco leaf stronger and richer. The same information is mentioned in the tobacco package, which can be checked before purchasing. If you are looking for high-quality taste and smell from your pipe tobacco, then the best option is to purchase aged tobacco than normal.
Infused or flavored
Flavored tobacco is something that you will not often find in stores as it is not a choice of pipe smokers. But you can find infused tobacco leaves for pipe, which has been infused through the smoke and other ways into the tobacco leaf. The infused tobacco leaf has a very distinct flavor and smells due, but it does not override the original tobacco leaf’s dominant smell and aroma.
Here are some of the things you should consider and check before you buy pipe tobacco. These pipe tobacco qualities will help you purchase one as per your choice and let you know about what to check before buying one.