You may have never known that there are ways that you personally could help Reforestation Charities but now you know that there is. What better charities to become involved with than reforestation charities whose mission is to try to the best of their ability to restore woodlands and forests to their original plantation. Your personal contributions monthly can really help toward the number of trees that are able to be planted each month. There are so many benefits that come with every tree that is planted, making up for all those lost trees caused by deforestation or wildfires. As we know, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into the oxygen we need to live and breathe. But sadly, there are not enough trees to keep up with our rising carbon emissions. We are already seeing the impact of global warming and climate change, and deforestation is just speeding up the process. In order to reduce our carbon footprint, it’s imperative that we focus on reforestation and this is where you can have an individual impact.
Reforestation is a step in the right direction of helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the earth. Each one of us need to be held accountable for our own personal contribution to emissions but how much better would we feel knowing that as much as we may have a carbon footprint in this world that you are also doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint due to your financial contribution to a reforestation charity. The ability to now get involved with the reducing of the worlds carbon footprint is so inviting, imagine how you would feel knowing that you personally have contributed to making the air a little less polluted by adding more trees to release the vital gas of oxygen. Making your own green footprint in the world will be very satisfying and absolutely money well spent.
Sadly, we are in the middle of an environment crisis. Increasing carbon concentrations in the atmosphere continue to drive damaging climate change; emissions reductions alone are not enough to achieve net zero emissions. Woodland habitat continues to be lost at a rapid rate, wild species are being made extinct and population abundances are in decline; all this negatively affects climate, agriculture, water supply and the economy. Climate change, land use patterns and property development are combining to significantly increase risk of floods affecting agricultural production, business and people’s homes. Luckily, Trees can help us, they significantly increase wildlife habitat and thus biodiversity. They are highly effective at capturing and storing atmospheric carbon, helping to mitigate climate change. Trees are also very effective water utilities, cleaning, storing and regulating water supply, and combatting flood risk.
Knowing that trees can add so much to the current climate, biodiversity and flood risk really highlights the impact your involvement in reforestation charity can have. It also shows the direct impact you can have on contributing to helping with that environment crisis that we so worryingly find ourselves in.