There are some month to month rentals near me which I hav never truly understood, with regards to that kind of contract situation. I grasp what short term rentals are, but the idea of notifying the landlord on a monthly basis is surely something which isn’t good for them, as they cannot plan ahead very far in advance. Over the last few months however I have met a number of people who use these kinds of properties and speaking to them I have learned a little more about why they live in such a situation. It is clear to me now that whilst there is a chance that landlords and ladies can lose out from this kind of deal, they can in fact provide a great service to those who need that month to month situation, and so in the long run they probably win.
These are just some examples of the people who I have spoken to who use these kinds of properties.
Waiting For a Build
The most common kinds of people who I have spoken to which are in this situation are those who are waiting for the completion of a house build. More often than not these couples and individuals have already made a deal to sell their old house, and rather than put a buyer off with delays, they have instead opted to put their stuff in storage and use one of these properties to live in, until their new house is finished. Given the delays that we see with new builds, this is a common reason for staying in such a property I would imagine.
Don’t Know What’s Next
Up until a couple of months ago I had no idea what being a digital nomad was all about. As it turns out these men and women work from their laptops and they are location independent, which means that they can travel where they like whenever they like. Naturally there is often a level of uncertainty within this kind of world, and that is why they are rarely planning any more than a month or two ahead. Such properties are absolutely ideal for this kind of lifestyle, as they are actually able to make a decision on the hoof, and away they go.
Temporary Workers
There are some big construction projects happening around this neck of the woods and as such I have met a number of people who are temping on those projects. Given that they are unsure how long they will be needed, they stay in these kinds of accommodation so that they can head home once the job is done, or if they are no longer needed. Interestingly enough, I have actually spoke to a builder who was working on finishing a project which meant that the couple next door would be able to move into their new property, it certainly is a small world.
These are just some of the kinds of people who rely on the month to month property format.