Whether your current goal is to invest money so that you’ll be able to retire early or to ensure that your children will be financially set up for life, continue reading to discover a few potentially lucrative long-term investment opportunities.
4 Investment Options for the Long Term:
1. Index funds
If you’re interested in investing a portion of your disposable income or your savings into shares but are looking for a low risk, long-term investment you may want to invest in index funds instead of in individual stocks. As if you invest a sizeable amount of money into a few businesses whose stocks suffer a major drop in market price, you could stand to lose thousands of dollars.
However, if you invest money in a managed index fund, which is comprised of stocks in over 40 different businesses, you’ll significantly decrease your chances of losing your initial investment. Better yet, index funds still offer a decent return on investment, so if you’re looking for a relatively safe way to save for your future, it’s well worth investing in index funds.
2. Property
Another way to invest money, in the hopes of enjoying an early retirement is to purchase property, which you believe will increase in value over the next decade. Investing in property is a great option if you have a decent amount of capital, which you’re willing to invest and is likely to bring in a much higher return on investment than investing in stocks or index funds.
If you’re interested in investing in property, which you may want to consider renting out in the meantime, in order to receive passive income, it’s well worth talking to a financial manager or a bank manager in order to see whether purchasing an investment property is a viable option.
3. Cryptocurrencies
In recent months cryptocurrencies have skyrocketed in popularity, thanks in part to the unprecedented success of Bitcoin. Which has now become a household name.
If you believe that digital currencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dash, and Ripple have the potential to double or triple in price over the next few years and aren’t convinced that cryptocurrencies market prices will crash in the future, you may want to consider adding a few cryptocurrencies to your investment portfolio.
Just be sure not to invest all your available funds in one investment, such as cryptocurrencies as it’s far wiser to boast a highly diversified investment portfolio. We understand that Investing into CryptoCurrency mining can be a bit of a hassle, Involving countless financial Risks and Cheats. MiningWatchDog keep watch, Everything you need to know about Mining Scam.
4. Small local businesses
Another option that you have as an investor is to purchase a stake in a small local business, in exchange for capital, which the business’ may require, in order to take their growing business to the next level. Just make sure to look at a business’ financial statistics and business plan, before choosing to invest your hard earned money in a small local business. Also don’t be afraid to negotiate a higher stake in a business you’re interested in for your capital.
So if you’re looking to set yourself and your children up for the rest of your lives, it’s well worth investing in all four of the lucrative long-term investment opportunities listed above.