Most people that call themselves leaders are not at all as good and as effective as they think they are. In fact, most of these individuals are actually managers and they are not respected or inspiring others like the leader is supposed to. Fortunately, this does not mean there is nothing that you can do in order to be a more effective leader, even if you do not really know what this implies.
If you want to learn more about how to become a better leader, everything should start with being aware of the very common mistakes that most leaders make. Cielo Gonzalez Villa met numerous leaders and managers during her career. She identified the following as the most common errors made. Avoid them and you will actually instantly become a much more effective leader.
Not Making Changes Because Of Fear
The best leaders out there are those that carefully analyze any situation and look for the best possible outcome. This is much more important than it seems. As we are employed by someone, we are taught to follow orders. The exact same thing happens in school. With this in mind, many that are faced with situations that are not known or unexpected simply freeze. They become afraid of making the tough changes that might be needed.
If you want to be a leader you should never be afraid of making changes and failing. If you are afraid and you have problems in taking that step towards making a decision in tough situations, try to implement a risk assessment strategy since this can help.
Thinking The Best Result Is Always The One That Happens
Basically, this means that there is just too much optimism present. Leaders are expected to make really tough decisions. When you just expect the best possible outcome to happen, the tough decisions will never actually be made. Problems do not solve themselves. Whenever they are identified, it is important to take the needed steps to solve them.
In business and whenever you are expected to be a leader, realism is highly important. You need to objectively look at every single situation and actually prepare for the worst. Those that are overly-optimistic will be hit really hard if the worst-case scenario happens.
Not Taking Action
This was already mentioned below but it is so important that it should be highlighted again. Procrastination, laziness and simply not doing something that has to be done are often seen problems with many leaders. Planning for the future is simply mandatory, especially in business where many different things can go wrong without a warning.
Being Afraid Of Conflict
When mentioning conflict, most people think of something that is much more serious than the conflicts that often appear in business. In many cases there are conflicts that are simply difficult conversations. Leaders are actually often afraid of these and they just dislike contradictory conversations. If you want to be a great leader, this should never happen. Whenever a conflict appears, it needs to be taken care of as fast as possible. If you are afraid of it, you will postpone it and we already mentioned this is not something that has to be done.
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