Most small businesses out there do not have a blog. This has to be considered a mistake since the benefits of blogging are numerous. Louis Hernandez Jr says that blogging is one of the easiest ways to build brand awareness on the internet, as long as it is done right. This is due to the reasons that are presented below, just to mention the most important ones.
Blogging Builds Trust
Small businesses conduct businesses with organizations and people that are trusted, liked or known. The blog is vital since it humanizes a brand. It adds voices behind brands and lets people know that the organization is human. It is really important to showcase personality in business. You can so easily do this through a well-maintained and often-updated blog.
Blogging Grows The Audience
One of the most important things you have to remember about blogging is that it is capable of building an audience even before the business is launched. After building a niche following, services and products can be monetized. The exact same thing can be said about blogging while the business is launched. Gradual audience growth is always experienced if blogging is consistently done.
Increase Website Traffic
All major search engines love seeing fresh content updated on a website on a regular basis. If you blog often, the site basically gets better search engine visibility. This automatically means that traffic grows, which is something you need in order to be successful. Organic traffic stands out as the best possible traffic source for literally every niche in the world. At the same time, you do not need to invest in ads in order to get traffic. Combine blogging with good SEO and your traffic will keep growing.
Show You Are An Expert
It is always really important that people trust you in business. This is only possible if you show that you know what you are talking about. The small business blog is the best way to stand out as being a true expert. Use it to offer really useful, quality and insightful posts that increase credibility within the industry you operate in.
As an extra tip, make sure that you talk about trending searches since this can put you right in front of people and what they care about right now.
Gaining Newsletter Content
Most small businesses these days send out a newsletter. Whether it is monthly, fortnightly or weekly, blog content can be used in a really good newsletter. All readers appreciate highlights coming from really recent content, especially when it is about something that they care about.
Networking Advantages
A blog is always useful for the business because it increases reach towards potential customers, business partners and clients. You can thus end up faced with numerous consulting and speaking opportunities in the future. Make sure that the blog is connected to the small business website and that it is frequently updated. If not, it will not help you. A frequently updated blog shows everyone that you are active, which is definitely what you want to see at the end of the day.