Many entrepreneurs dream of building businesses that they can automate so that it runs like clockwork; functioning to satisfy customers without the founder’s input. However, being stuck in the day to day affairs of a business is one of the many challenges faced by entrepreneurs and overcoming this challenge may sometimes feel impossible if you are trying to figure out how to get your business running like clockwork, here is how to make it possible.
Track How Your Business Runs Currently
Before you can set your business up to run on automated timing, you need to know how it uses its time in the present. Find out the decisions, actions, and people management tasks that need to be made and carried out daily, and find out just how many of those decisions or actions directly require your input. Once you have a clear view of this, you can begin to design a structure.
Find Your Company’s Core Function and Empower Your Staff to Fulfill It
Every successful company has a set of activities that it carries out to produce the very best offering it can give to its customers. These activities leverage the unique talents brought to the table by you and your team. Once you identify what this core function is, focus on making the process of carrying it out as seamless as possible and have your team spend the bulk of their time on it. As you do this, make sure every team member knows what part they play and empower them to play their part without having to come back to you.
Create a Documented System of Operation So It Can Happen Without You
Once you have created a working system of executing the company’s core function, you need to document it so that anyone else in the company can refer to it. For ease, it is better to create the document while developing your system instead of waiting to write a detailed manual.
Optimise the System
To make sure this developing system is always running at its best, make sure that you have the right people matched to the right tasks and consistently adapt for change in the market and individual growth among your team members. If you do this properly, you will ensure that your team is always capable of responding to challenges in the market as they stay up to date.
Allow Yourself To Let Go
If you have followed the steps above, then you likely have a business that can fulfil its core function without your presence. All that is left now is for you to take your presence elsewhere. Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to detach their egos from their businesses and fear that something obscure like unfilled taxes will lead to the collapse of the company in their absence. However, if you have built a good system you have to trust that it will run like clockwork. Step back and let go.
The experienced enter is possible but necessary for success. Follow clockwork today.
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