If you’re a victim of sexual violence in the workplace it’s important to take immediate action in order to ensure that the individual who assaulted you is held accountable for their actions. To discover some of the key steps which you should take if you find yourself the victim of sexual violence at work simply continue reading.
Contact human resources
If you believe that you’re a victim of sexual violence in the workplace, it’s a great idea to contact human resources to file a complaint. Especially if you’re uncomfortable talking to your manager or have a gut feeling that your manager will take the side of the individual who harassed you. As sometimes managers are unwilling to help victims of sexual violence as they are unwilling to take on extra work.
If you are touched inappropriately call the police
If you are touched inappropriately and the perpetrator doesn’t stop as soon as you say no or you are the victim of rape, your very first step should be to call the police. As sexual violence is a crime and is an issue which should be dealt with by local law enforcement. If the police don’t take your complaint seriously, it’s a great idea to seek legal representation as soon as possible, in order to ensure that your voice is being heard and your rights to safety are upheld.
Write down your complaint instead of giving a verbal complaint
Instead of explaining your situation to your human resources manager it’s a far wiser idea to formally write down your complaint and email it to your human resources manager. As you’ll start a trackable paper trail which features the date and time of your initial complaint. If you email your formal complaint to your human resources department and the individual who receives your email ignores it, you’ll have proof that you sent a complaint.
Make sure that your complaint features key details
In your written complaint, it’s a great idea to give as many important details as possible. Such as the time and location that the incident occurred and whether or not there were any other individuals around which could corroborate your story.
Ensure that you get the outcome that you’re looking for
If human resources or your manager or the police don’t give you the justice which you deserve, your next step should be to hire an experienced, reputable sexual harassment lawyer.
Hire a sexual harassment lawyer
If human resources or your manager or the police don’t give you the justice which you deserve, your next step should be to hire the best sexual harassment lawyer NYC to help you with the legal process in filing a lawsuit. Especially if your place of work refuses to take your situation seriously and flat out refuses to fire the individual who assaulted you.
So if you find yourself the victim of sexual violence at work, it’s well worth following some of the steps listed above in order to ensure that the perpetrator is held to justice.