Think about the perfect meal a chef like Javier Burillo has made for you. Have you ever wanted to recreate that perfect meal for you and your family, but it just didn’t come out the way you expected? Unfortunately, sometimes when you cook, things can go wrong. Even the best chefs in the world make mistakes when cooking.
It’s important to know common mistakes made while cooking so you can avoid them in the future.
Not Blending the Flour Well
When making something like pancakes, it is important to blend the flour well, leaving no lumps. If you don’t blend the flour well enough, your batter might taste funny and not be as fluffy as desired.
Leaving Out an Ingredient
It is easy to bring the eggs but forget the sugar when baking. Ensure that you always check your recipe before preparing all of the ingredients so that this mistake does not happen.
Getting Distracted During Cooking
When cooking, it is important to stay alert, especially if you are making something that requires constant attention. You might burn your food or leave something out if you get distracted during cooking.
Not Cooking Food Long Enough
One of the most common mistakes is undercooking your food. If you are grilling or frying meat, make sure to cook it thoroughly. Also, when using certain ingredients like flour, milk, or eggs, make sure whatever mixture you are making is cooked properly.
Using the Wrong Temperature on an Oven
It is important to know what temperature your oven needs to be at in order to cook certain foods. If you under or overcook something, it can have a big effect on how it tastes. Make sure that you always use the right temperatures when cooking if you want perfect results each time.
Not Testing the Heat of Water with Your Finger
If you are making something like spaghetti, one common mistake is not testing the water to see if it is hot enough. It might seem silly, but have you ever put pasta in cold water? The results are less than desirable.
Using Salt Too Early in Cooking
It is important to know how to tell when food needs salt. If you add salt too early in the cooking process, it can cause your dish to be overly salty and inedible.
Adding Wrong Ingredients at Wrong Times
It is easy for some ingredients like flour or milk to become lumpy if added too early into the cooking process. Therefore, make sure that you do not add ingredients too early so that they do not become lumpy or bad tasting.
Not Letting the Cooling Process Complete Before Putting in a Refrigerator
If you put food in a refrigerator when it is still hot, it can cause bacteria to form and ruin your food. If you let certain foods like meats cool before putting them into the refrigerator, it can be the difference between delicious food and bad tasting leftovers.
Adding Old Ingredients into a Recipe
If you are using leftover ingredients, it is important to know the shelf life of the food. If you add old ingredients, especially salt or bread crumbs, your dish might not taste great because of this mistake. It might also ruin the look of your dish.