In the modern world, present and future generations are provided with enough education into the right foodstuffs and types of foods to eat to best protect and boost your physical health and wellbeing.
Unfortunately, however, even though the subject of mental health is becoming increasingly more prominent in open discussion, there is still nowhere near enough information given out by the press, media, academic institutions, and even the health services on the best foods to eat to boost one’s emotional and mental health.
With that in mind, continue reading to learn of the four most delicious foodstuffs that have been proven to benefit your mental health and wellbeing.
Not only are these somewhat absurd-looking, bright orange vegetables genuinely good for the strength and quality of your eyes and vision, carrots also contain active ingredients that can positively impact how you feel.
Carrots contain a high level of natural proteins, which are fantastic for cognitive health and building your brain’s defenses against depression and low mood.
Dark Chocolate
There is a multitude of ways in which the consumption of dark chocolate can positively and directly improve one’s mood and levels of anxiety and stress. This is truly excellent news for those with a particularly strong sweet tooth and means that there is no time to waste and no reason not to book onto a chocolate tasting course with your friends.
The proven benefits of dark chocolate to your brain and overall mental health include:
- Dark chocolate produces endorphins, commonly referred to as the ‘feel-good chemicals.’
- Dark chocolate contains substantial levels of magnesium, which is proven to reduce feelings of stress by suppressing the release of cortisol, the hormone which triggers stress. This is why magnesium is often called ‘nature’s Valium.’
- Cocoa is one of the foods which is rich in powerful antioxidants which have been proven to decrease the likelihood of developing dementia and other memory-related diseases.
- Dark chocolate can actively boost your concentration levels as well as your ability to focus on tasks and be actively present in the moment.
The humble salmon is fantastic for someone who wants to protect and even improve their emotional health and wellbeing.
The consumption of omega-3 rich, fatty fish such as salmon regularly, at least three times a week, is excellent for reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Broccoli & Kale
Broccoli and other leafy green vegetables such as kale, especially when consumed in its rawest form, contain a host of different vitamins and minerals, which have been scientifically linked to reduced feelings and levels of anxiety. Little wonder then that rabbits always seem so full of life and spend their day frolicking in fields.
As you will already know, vegetables are incredible for your physical health as well, so ensure you always include at least three with every main meal.
These four foods have been proven to boost mental wellbeing, so it is essential that you make an effort to include more of these into your daily diet.