A person can file a mesothelioma claim if they find out about their asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma claims aim to win compensation for the victim and their family, helping them cover the medical and various financial burdens in their life. In most cases, victims or their families often get compensation outside the court in the form of a mesothelioma settlement. But, this happens with the right and prudence guidance of a mesothelioma attorney.
Why is it important to find the right lawyer for your mesothelioma case?
It might take years of prolonged exposure to mesothelioma before a person starts showing symptoms. Hence, the victim may not remember the companies they worked for in the past. The victim also does not have resources and a network of contact at their disposal to reach the culprits. This is why mesothelioma lawsuits are often tricky and lengthy. The lawyer does all the hard work to find the companies and the persons responsible, gathering a list of asbestos products, going through the patients’ medical records, and much more. They have years or sometimes decades of experience working on mesothelioma cases. Hence, they know the companies making asbestos products and learn how to take each case forward. Therefore, finding the right lawyer is crucial to winning the maximum compensation amount.
How to find the right mesothelioma lawyer?
Finding the right lawyer is not a child’s play; often, law firms make big claims about their work but fall short of their client’s expectations. Therefore, it is essential to do your research to find the right lawyer and carry out mesothelioma treatment for your patient simultaneously. A rule of thumb for finding a suitable mesothelioma lawyer is to ask them many questions. It is likely that if they inflate their service quality, they might stutter while answering your questions. Choose an attorney that satisfies your concerns entirely and puts you at ease. Make sure to go through multiple options and compare their responses before choosing one to take your case. If you are unsure of the questions, you should ask your prospective attorney; here is a list of questions you can ask them.
Important questions to ask from a mesothelioma lawyer
People often hesitate to ask questions, but now is not the time to be shy or hesitant because an unsuitable lawyer can ruin your chances of compensation. There can be many concerns hovering over your mind; take them out on the table and let the lawyer respond.
- How many cases have they handled?
Do not hesitate to ask the prospective lawyer about the number of cases they have handled so far. Many attorneys are associated with big firms with hundreds of winning cases in their professional portfolios. You can also ask if handling mesothelioma cases is their sole area of expertise or if they handle other personal injury claims too. A person specializing in mesothelioma cases will offer you focused service, unlike attorneys dealing with all kinds of personal injury claims.
- What is the chance of filing a case if asbestos exposure happened a long time ago?
Some people may be unsure of their eligibility for filing an asbestos claim. In general, there is a deadline to file a mesothelioma claim. Hence the statute of limitations makes it time-sensitive. The period varies from state to state. But the time starts from the moment you are diagnosed with mesothelioma. Generally, you have between one to three years to file the case after your diagnosis. So, you are still eligible to file an asbestos claim if you file within the deadline starting from your diagnosis, regardless of when you were exposed to the deadly mineral.
- What are your options in a mesothelioma case?
A victim might not know that they have various options in their mesothelioma case. They can choose to go to the trial in court or conclude the case with a mesothelioma settlement. Each of these has different procedures to follow and vary in the amount of compensation. An experienced lawyer will give the right advice based on the case history of an individual client.
- What options are available to a veteran to file for mesothelioma compensation?
Veterans are people who have served in the military. When exposed to mesothelioma during their service, military veterans can file for veteran affairs benefits. If you are a veteran, you must ask the lawyer about the benefits and options available to you or your family.
- What is the maximum compensation amount they have negotiated for their client?
Your mesothelioma attorney is often the one negotiating the value of compensation with the defendants. Therefore, you must ask the maximum settlement amount they have received for their client. In most cases, mesothelioma settlements range between $1 million to $1.4 million.
- What evidence do you need for the mesothelioma case?
The lawyer collects the evidence as the client initiates the legal process. The evidence includes finding the products and companies responsible for victims’ exposure to asbestos. The lawyer will also go through their client’s medical history to understand the timeline of their asbestos exposure and mesothelioma diagnosis.
- Are you still eligible for compensation even if you have not worked for an asbestos company?
You may have mesothelioma, but you did not work for an asbestos company. However, you still have the chance to file for compensation because it is probable that evidence will come to the surface during the investigation. From there, the job of a qualified attorney is to look for the source of your asbestos exposure, identify the products containing the asbestos, and companies manufacturing them.
- What if the victim is too ill to follow their case?
Mesothelioma is an aggressive and painful cancer, so it is possible for the victim to not follow the case due to illness. Then, the attorney works with the patient’s family, coworkers, and friends to take the matter forward. Experienced attorneys know the importance of winding up the case as soon as possible.
- What option does the family have if the victim dies of mesothelioma?
Even if the victim dies of mesothelioma, the family can file a wrongful death claim to demand compensation. The lawyer will tell you about the family’s time limit to file and start the lawsuit.
Treatment for mesothelioma is expensive and time-consuming. While no amount of compensation can bring the health and life of your loved one back, filing a claim can relieve some financial burden from the victim and their family. A mesothelioma lawyer helps you take your case forward; therefore, finding the right lawyer is critical to the success of your case. Before filing a claim, it is essential to ask questions about mesothelioma and your chances for compensation to gauge the lawyer’s suitability. An experienced lawyer will satisfy your concerns and make you feel your case is in good hands.