Whether you’re trying to get your storage areas at home better organized or you’re working to get a more professional organization system setup for your workspace, it’s important that you spend the necessary amount of time creating a space that will work for you and others that will be using that space. However, it often seems easier to just throw things wherever you can so that you can get back to work. But by having an organizational system in place for your storage areas, you’ll find that it’s much easier to locate what you’re looking for and keep things safe and accounted for.
To help you in doing this, here are three tips for better organization in your storage areas.
Create A Reliable Inventory List
Before you can have a storage space that’s really going to do you any good, you first need to know exactly what’s in that storage space.
For small spaces, you might be able to just quickly look into the space and see what you have. But for bigger storage spaces, especially if you’re storing items for your business, you’re going to want to create a reliable inventory list.
At home, you can simply create a list or even take photos of the storage containers you have and list each item that’s in there. For an enterprise, there is lots of different inventory software available to help you get and stay organized so that you’re not wasting time and money looking for important items or creating issues with stocking items.
Find An Organizational System That Works For You
One of the hardest things to figure out when organizing a storage space is the type of organizational system that’s going to work for you.
In business settings, you may want to choose storage and organization options that make everything very visible so that even people who aren’t familiar with the way things are organized can easily find what they’re needing. But if you’re just organizing your personal items, you likely won’t need to invest in organizational systems like this. Rather, think about how you use your space and what’s going to make your life easier.
Be Strategic With Placement
While you might have your own ideas about how you want things to be organized in your storage area, there’s one overarching principle that everyone should keep in mind when redoing the organization of any area: access.
Ideally, you should try to keep items that are frequently accessed as close to the front of your storage area as possible. For items that you don’t use as often, you can stick them to the back or sides of your storage space, since you won’t need to access them as often.
If you’re needing to reorganize the storage spaces that you work with, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you see how this can more easily be done.