If one of your primary goals for the next year is to grow as a spiritual being, you’ve come to the right place. Simply continue reading to discover an insightful guide which contains a few valuable keys to spiritual growth, which you’ll be able to use to achieve profound spiritual growth.
One of the most effective ways to grow as an individual and to become more in-tune with your personal spirituality is to make time to spend with yourself. As if you’re consistently surrounded by other individuals and influenced by their opinions, you may find it harder to connect with your own sense of spirituality.
So don’t be afraid to go for a walk by yourself, in nature every week or to spend a bit of time listening to meditation music before you go to bed. As it’s the quiet moments of solitude, when you’ll often make profound personal breakthroughs with your spirituality , sense of self and self growth.
Find a mentor or undergo spiritual training :
Get into the habit of journalism:
One of the best ways to work on your spiritual growth is to get into the habit of journalism any deep thoughts, feelings and insights which you may experience on a day to day basis. On some days you may even want to find a quiet spot, to journal in. As examples, you may want to sit under a tree in a garden and journal your thoughts and insights. Or if you have a connection with the sea, you may want to journal at a secluded, picturesque beach.
Use spiritual tools in order to connect with the universe:
Some individuals find that they’re able to calm their mind by placing a gemstone on their desk or in their pocket, when they’re working on spiritual growth. While other individuals find that they’re able to better connect with the universe by lighting candles or incense sticks. While other individuals prefer using oracle cards, in order to find out what blessings and challenges may be coming into their lives.
However, don’t feel any pressure to use spiritual tools to undergo spiritual growth as some individuals are more comfortable using prayer as a spiritual tool. When it comes to spirituality there aren’t any right or wrong decisions. Simply use your intuition and your heart to find techniques and tools which suit your personal beliefs.
So if you’re ready to facilitate your own spiritual growth and a ready to go on a journey of self discovery, it’s well worth using the 4 tips which are listed above in order to get started.