Decorating an apartment is just as exciting as decorating a home, but you do have some unique considerations.
When you own your own home, you can do nearly any upgrade you want if you have the money. While you may have to adhere to certain regulations, you have free reign over the decor inside your home.
With an apartment, however, you have to worry about getting your security deposit back. When you’re decorating or updating, you don’t want to upset your property manager or landlord. So, you must be careful and considerate with your changes.
Luckily, with these apartment decorating hacks, you’ll be able to decorate your apartment how you want while still getting your security deposit back.
Let’s jump right in.
Tip 1: Use Mirrors and Wall Hangings
Feel like the walls in your apartment look drab or outdated? If they look terrible, you can always ask your landlord if it’s okay to paint. However, they might say no.
If your answer is no, you don’t have to just look at the walls in their sad state. Instead, get creative. Start by doing a deep clean to remove any stains or old smudges. Then, go for a maximalist style that utilizes paintings, frames, mirrors, or tapestries to cover up most of the old paint.
Tip 2: Consider Adhesive Tiles And Backsplashes
Now, before ordering a bunch of adhesive tiles for your bathroom or kitchen, make sure they are removable. Some of these products claim to be mess-free, but when you go to take them off, they leave sticky residue behind.
However, if you find the right product, it is possible to cover up dirty tile or an outdated backsplash. With the right product and the determination to upgrade, you’ll transform your apartment into an entirely new space without upsetting your landlord.
Tip 3: Upgrade Finishes
Many apartments come with pretty standard finishes, such as light fixtures and shower heads. Luckily, these are pretty easy to switch out. You can take off your current showerhead or replace light fixtures and leave the old ones for when you plan to move out.
Once you’re ready to move out, you can pop the finishes that came with the unit back into place, and your property management company won’t wonder what happened to their stuff.
Tip 4: Command Hooks Are Your Friend
While you can use nails and screws for some wall hangings, command hooks are helpful for all kinds of DIY projects. By minimizing the number of holes you put in the walls, your apartment will look better when you move out.
So, if you want to get your full security deposit back, command hooks are an excellent way to add curtains or other changes without damaging the walls.
Tip 5: Don’t Underestimate A Good Clean
When you first moved in, your apartment was likely professionally cleaned. Still, cleaners may not cover everything. If the building is older, you may have grimy grout or dirty baseboards that make the apartment feel less than homey.
When trying to refresh the place, consider deep cleaning every nook and cranny of the apartment. You’ll love how clean everything looks and feels.
Remember To Ask
Have an upgrade you want to do? It never hurts to ask! While you might not get permission, you’ll feel better knowing if your idea is allowed. If you get permission, the landlord may even appreciate your upgrades.