With the cost of living rising, many families are looking for ways to cut down on household bills. From switching energy providers to installing insulation, there are several strategies you can try to save money around the home. If you’re looking for some simple ways to save money on household bills, check out the tips below:
Review Your Insurance Policies
One area where you may be able to make savings is on insurance premiums. Conduct an annual review of your home, car, life, and health insurance policies. Shop around using online comparison sites to see if you can get a better deal by switching providers. Consider raising excesses and removing any unnecessary extras to lower costs.
Use Less Energy
Heating and powering your home are likely one of the biggest drains on your finances. Try hanging up clothes to dry instead of using the tumble dryer. Switch off appliances when not in use and replace old inefficient models with energy-saving options. Install insulation, double glazing, and draught-proofing to help retain heat. And ensure you’re on the best gas and electricity tariff by comparing deals.
Install a Wood Burner with Back Boiler
Wood burners with back boilers are an effective way to lower energy bills in the winter months. A wood burning stove that heats water via a back boiler can provide hot water and central heating alongside heat for the room it’s in. Back boilers for wood burners connect to your existing radiator system so you can heat your home with a renewable fuel source. They allow you to rely less on your gas or oil boiler to warm your house and water.
Wood burners with back boilers are available in a range of styles. However, when choosing one, make sure you factor in the cost of installation, too. A specialist fitter should be used to fit your wood stove with back boiler and connect it to your central heating and hot water system.
Once installed, you’ll be able to enjoy free hot water and heating whenever you light your wood stove with boiler. Bulk buying logs will keep fuel costs low. Just a couple of fires a week in the colder months can make a big difference to your heating bills.
Change How You Cook
The kitchen is another prime area for savings. Batch cook extra portions and freeze meals to reheat later. Use your microwave, slow cooker, or pressure cooker for more efficient cooking. Try lowering the costs of your weekly shop by checking supermarket savings schemes, planning meals, and writing shopping lists. And consider growing your own vegetables if you have outdoor space available.
Cut Down on Waste
Reducing the amount you throw away can have financial as well as environmental benefits. Plan meals, stick to shopping lists and check use-by dates to avoid food waste. Repair items rather than replacing them. Donate or sell any unwanted belongings. And recycle as much as possible.
There are many easy ways to trim back your household spending, from reviewing insurance to using vouchers. Small changes can add up to big savings over time. Focus on areas where you tend to spend the most money, like energy and food bills. Putting in a bit of time and effort now will pay off in the long run.
Saving money can be made simple with these tips. Don’t forget to also save for a little fun like money dots or a nice coffee now and then!