Studies have shown people will spend up to one-sixth of their lives becoming more beautiful. This is an important thing for both men and women, with clothes being one of the most important factors when it comes to beauty. If you are a man who is trying to learn how to be fashionable, you might need a few extra tips to get up to speed on such things.
The following are some of the best pieces of advice you can get as a guy, and all of them are achievable. While reading through the article, think about your budget and which steps you can take to become and become a stylish individual.
Pick Up the Basics
One of the first things you need to do is ensure you have access to some of the more basic pieces of clothing you can build a style on top of. These include new jeans and a simple white shirt.
A high-quality pair of jeans might cost a little extra, but they will both fit you better and feel good on you. They will be much hardier, lasting longer as part of your core look.
Also, remember when choosing a pair of jeans to find a cut that fits your body type. We will go into body types later in the article.
When it comes to a white shirt, we mean a button-up smart shirt. You can then dress it up or down to suit whatever event you are choosing to attend.
Depending on your body type, you might want to either wear a waistcoat or a blazer. These can work to accentuate your body in different ways depending on which you choose, although both tend towards the smarter end of the scale.
If you want to go the extra mile, pick up a watch too. This might seem unnecessary in the age of smartphones, but a watch adds that little extra to every outfit.
These clothes will act as a canvas on which to add extra pieces of clothing to create a specific style. The whole piece will not only be stylish but also very functional, keeping you warm and comfortable at all times.
Know What Suits Your Body Type
Before you pick up some types of clothes, it is important to understand the body you have. Are you lean, muscular, larger, or more toned? Different sizes and shapes will suit different styles of clothes.
One of the most obvious areas where this makes sense is when you buy jeans. For example, if you are lean you should often go for a straight-fit low-rise pair of jeans. Whereas someone with larger bellies and thighs would look much better in high-rise options.
Find a guide, or talk to the salespeople in the store, to pick up things that work best for you.
Use Layers
By using layers, you can bring a sense of creativity, style, and personal expression into your clothing. It also helps you save money by putting more on in the winter periods while keeping the same basics such as the aforementioned shirt and jeans.
When you layer, ensure each piece complements the others. Every extra piece must be distinct to the casual observer from the piece underneath, and often heavier, to create your look. You want to ensure anything you add looks like something on top of what you are already wearing and does not act as the whole base layer.
A good thing to aim for is three layers. Your base layer is already sorted in your jeans and shirt combo. Then add a simple outer layer on top of that, like a waistcoat, followed by a blazer.
Other options include a polo-neck and sweater, or a zip jacket and a blazer. Mix and match all these to create the style you want.
Pick Up Some Accessories
One of the main ways you can often put some customization and personality into your look is by adding accessories. This can even suit the specific event or location you are planning to attend. Some examples of ways you can add a little flair to your look include the following:
While the belt leather itself should match the color of the trousers you are wearing, the style comes through the buckle. If you only go with a simple buckle, you do not say much at all. Instead, think about investing in a unique buckle, or a buckle cover that allows you to show off your interests or accentuate your other clothes.
Depending on where you intend to go, shoes can make all the difference. If you intend to go to a formal event, it might be worth thinking about a pair of smart black shoes. However, for a casual venue, it might suit you to invest in some fancier sneakers.
These days, you can even look into shoes as suggested by influencers and celebrities. Some of these might include the Yeezy brand of sneakers designed by Kanye West, for example. Or you could investigate your preferred celebrity to see if they have anything that suits your style.
With the busy nature of the world, it can be useful to have a little extra storage. Lucky for you, some bags suit serious and fashionable styles.
These might be backpacks, or you might want to investigate the realm of messenger bags. With these, you might want to think a little more about utility and what you might want to put into the bag itself, first.
More Advice on How to Be Fashionable
With all this advice, you should be able to put yourself firmly on the way toward being a local fashion icon. Still, if you want to know more about how to be fashionable, we have a lot to teach.
Check out the rest of our blog posts in our article hub. There is a lot more advice written there to help you ensure you are the best-dressed man in your region today.