The idea of having customized suits is great even if it means you have to spend more money. They are made just for you and you have a say in the details. Since you are spending a lot of money, you might as well come up with something that you would really love to wear over and over again. Here are some tips to take into consideration.
Don’t be short-sighted
Wear a suit that is practical. It is not just for aesthetic reasons but because you will make the most out of it. For instance, if you love carrying something small like a pen or a phone, have a suit with a hidden pocket. If you love placing your hands in a pocket especially during the cold winter months, you should consider having the pockets placed higher. Most of all, allow some space in your suit. You might be hungry when your measurements are taken so there must be additional space left just in case you put on some weight or you have just finished eating a full meal.
Play with the details
The good thing about made to measure suits is that you can do whatever you want with the suit. You can go for any design as long as it best represents you. Therefore, having fun with the details is not a bad idea. If you want to add more buttons, it is your choice. If you want a longer lapel to make you look taller, it is also your choice. The key is for you to find a suit that makes you feel comfortable and reflects your personal style.
Check the measurements
Your tailor might be very keen when it comes to details, but the measurements could still be inaccurate. Therefore, you should check the measurements written and see if they are right. You can also request your tailor to adjust the measurements if you think it would be better for you. The slightest mistake in measurements could have a profound impact on the outcome.
Don’t go for trends
Although it is a good idea to be playful with the details and even with colours, make sure that you don’t get this from trends. If there is something really trendy but outrageously crazy, you can’t have the assurance that things will stay that way. Trends come and go. Be practical and opt for designs that are not seasonal.
Take a look at some of the best designs to help guide your tailor on the exact suit to be made for you. You should also check the final design if you are happy with it or if there are changes that need to be made. Otherwise, you are spending money on something you won’t even appreciate.