All throughout human history, we have been using nails in order to faster objects. Ever since the stainless steel nail was developed, it was popular. Nowadays, these are actually usually replaced by screws due to increased durability and integrity. Even so, stainless steel nails for construction projects are still highly popular.
Stainless steel nails have been really popular for a long time now because they have a very high sustainable life cycle. They can come in various shapes and sizes, each offering some specific advantages. However, just any tool or item you would use in a construction project, there are disadvantages that appear. We should be aware of both.
Stainless Steel Nail Lifecycle
Stainless steel, just as the name implies, is the raw material used. The material is trucked in a workshop as it is transformed from its brute form to the nail. After it is manufactured, the stainless steel nail is moved to businesses where it is sold or directly to a home.
What is interesting is that when a stainless steel nail is used, it can be reused through recycling. This is due to the material’s high natural resistance. After being recycled, the steel can be used to create new nails or other items made out of stainless steel.
Stainless Steel Nails – Advantages
There are numerous important advantages of using stainless steel nails during every single part of the item’s life cycle. When in a workshop, it is made out of a material that is non-toxic and quite affordable. After being used, they remain non-toxic and enjoy quite a long lifespan. Also, when disposed, the stainless steel nails are quite easy to recycle. We are faced with very high material sustainability. Basically, this is the main advantage of using the stainless steel nail as opposed to other common fastener materials.
Stainless Steel Nails – Disadvantages
Using stainless steel nails does have some disadvantages. They are also present during different life cycle stages. When in the raw stage, the energy needed to create stainless steel nails is higher than with other materials. This creates a higher carbon footprint. When in the workshop, it is quite time consuming to create the stainless steel nail. It is also really bulky when transported. Also, even if it is very easy to recycle these nails, it is tough to reuse the material.
Stainless Steel Environmental Impact
Some will tell you that stainless steel nails are highly sustainable while others will tell you the exact opposite. Generally, this is seen as being a green product. However, it is very important to think about what actually happens. As an example, many individuals now use stainless steel bottles to store water. This is a great use since the water bottle is reusable and the user does not have to use plastic bottles. However, the extraction process is what makes a product green, together with disposal, uses, distribution and manufacturing. On the whole, stainless steel is good for the environment. This is what is nowadays growing in importance for most interested users.