If you are reading this, there is a good chance you have a smart device and an internet connection, which is all that is needed to access social media. That is how easy it is.
For something that is so easily accessible at our fingertips, it can be difficult to step away from social media, just solely because of the simplicity of using it. However, with that being said, there are many reasons we should take a break from social media.
This piece will discuss some of the reasons why stepping away from social media is good for you.
How Often do We Use Social Media?
A whopping 86 percent of us use social media daily, and 72 percent of us use it multiple times throughout the day. Based on these statistics, it is safe to say that social media is a significant part of our lives. In 2019, the average time spent on social media was 153 minutes media was 153 minutes, which was a significant increase from years prior such as 2012 being 90 minutes! There is a good reason for this as social media continues to advance at a significant rate, keeping up with the demands of consumers but also feeding into their wants and needs.
Based on a steady increase, it is reasonable to predict that social media usage will continue to increase, especially as more features will continue to be introduced as social media progresses. This means the issues that come part and parcel with social media can also be expected to rise.
Step Away from Social Media to Improve Your Mood
Social media can be a great place for inspiration, catch up with friends, and of course, find hilarious memes. But social media can also get us down, and more often than not, it can be so gradual we might not even notice the accumulation of negative feelings. This can leave us feeling bogged down and in serious need of a mood boost. A simple way to achieve this is to put the phone down, and go and do something that makes you feel good.
In more serious cases, studies have shown the longer that we engage with social media, the more likely we are to develop depression, which is definitely something to consider when thinking about choosing a break.
For those who feel like they are struggling, or know someone who might be – browse igniteteentreatment.com for more information on social media and anxiety in teenagers.
Step Away from Social Media and the Comparison Cycle
One of the issues that social media is renowned for is facilitating a vicious cycle of comparison. It is easy to see what everyone is up to at any given moment (or what they want you to think they are up to) and it can easily make us feel like our lives, and how we spend our time, pale in comparison. Not only that, but there are also the endless options to digitally alter our appearances and locations, which means that whatever we are looking at might still not be real.
Stepping away from social media can give you fresh eyes. It can help stop the constant observation of everyone else and enable the focus on yourself and your life instead, which is really the only thing that matters!