When travelling by air, we all have different ways of preparing for our trip. I’m one of those irritating people that packs a week ahead, obsessively adjusting the contents of my suitcase until the day of departure. If I’m checking my bag, there has to be the old ‘try to balance on the scale and calculate the weight’ trick, so I don’t get charged extra. Of course, on top that, there’s what to take in my hand luggage and the multiple panicked rummages for my passport – check, wallet – check, and phone – check. And this is all before I set off to the airport. It’s a wonder I still travel at all with all that stress.
But, with all that preparation, if my flight is delayed there’s pretty much nothing I can do, right? Actually, wrong! There’s plenty of help out there for passengers with a flight delay, plus preparation for the worst can ensure you can come out of this unscathed.
I’ve gathered a few handy tips and some information which will hopefully help fellow travellers:
When is a delay a delay?
No, that’s not a typo. This is a very important question when you’re waiting in the airport. That’s because, if your flight is officially deemed ‘delayed’, you may be entitled to compensation. Let’s break it down, as it’s really not as complicated as many passengers think:
1. The delay is based on when you arrive at your destination, not when you depart.
2. Eligible flights are within and from the EU; flights into the EU must have airlines with EU headquarters for passengers to claim.
3. The delay has to be 3 hours or more for you to get compensated.
Claiming is easy
Honestly! When thinking of claiming against an airline, most people have images of intimidating lawyers, a whole host of confusing terms and their bank balance depleting at an alarming rate. Well, I’ve got good news. Gone are the times when we have to hire a lawyer or sift through complicated forms and paperwork – or even shell out a ton of money to make a claim.
Online companies like MYFLYRIGHT are here to make sure you don’t have to worry. You barely need to lift a finger, plus at no point do you have to go to court or pay anything. When the compensation can be up to 600 €, it’s definitely worth fighting for your rights – well, actually, that’s MYFLYRIGHT’s job so you can relax while claiming!
Enjoy the delay
This feels counter intuitive. I understand – being delayed may mean you’re missing a day of valuable beach time, or you might not make it to a special family event. No one’s saying it’s not a bad situation to find yourself in, but you’re in it, so why not make the most of it? This is where preparation comes in. Make sure you have a change of clothes and (travel-size!) toiletries in your carry-on. Just being able to brush your teeth will make you feel a hundred times better, I promise. Stroll around and check out the shops – from silly souvenirs, to duty free deals, there’ll be something to keep you entertained. Who knows, you may find something you just can’t live without. Get yourself a tasty bite to keep you going. Yes, things are pricey at the airport, but you may be in for a long wait and you need sustenance! Also, I don’t know about you, but these days I hardly ever have time to just sit and chill out – personally, I love a good book so I would settle into one of the cafes with a coffee and read. If playing a game or listening to music is more your thing, relax and enjoy it!