To select the most suitable medical plan for your company, it is essential to know employees’ profile. This is because what matters is to choose a group health plan that is attractive and beneficial for the employees.
Just offering a health plan to employees is insufficient. The benefit must be positive for all employees. So, before deciding which plan to adopt, check out the tips below:
Assess coverage and needs
These two aspects are especially important for employees. The ideal is that the grace period is the one we have already presented, as determined by the National Health Agency (ANS). However, it is possible to reduce this time or even eliminate it.
As for the coverage itself, keep in mind that it is mandatory that the plan offer:
- exams;
- consultations;
- treatments;
- laboratories;
- hospitals;
- prostheses.
Analyze the scope of the plan
The plan’s scope refers to the physical coverage of the plan, that is, where it is worth. In this case, the company can choose a municipal, state, regional, or even national scope.
Although any modality can be contracted, it is clear that the option of national coverage is the one that offers more security for employees. If the company has many external employees or who travel regularly, this option is mandatory.
Consider co-participation
This is one of the criteria that will make the plan cheaper or more expensive for the organization. The idea is that the employee is responsible for paying a specific percentage of each procedure performed, the percentage being generally 20%, 30%, or 50%.
For the company, this represents a monthly saving. For the employee, it is an extra expense. However, professionals tend to become more aware of the service’s use, avoiding unnecessary consultations, for example.
For HR, there is a more complex process in this modality because the company will receive the co-participation invoice and will need to discount the employee’s payroll. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the positive and negative points of this issue to make the company’s best choice.
Assess company capacity
Organizations generally resist offering a health insurance plan to employees due to the high cost, complexity, and long term, since the company is prevented from canceling the benefit. Realize that a future suspension harms the business by discouraging employees.
In this sense, the idea is to consider an average agreement that fits the business budget. An alternative is compulsory plans, which cover all employees, except those who already have private assistance. This is a way to reduce the amount paid monthly.