Recent approaches in the behavioral and biohealth sciences have played a vital role for the incorporation of health practice to the biopsychosocial techniques. The knowledge of psychology related to life resolution is important for delivering excellent health care. The attitude of the psychologist with its patient must obey the principal “Neither the brainless nor the mindless can be tolerated in medical”. Life resolution is the excellence of being determined or resolute. Tackling and handling about mental health and psychology of a person isn’t an easy conversation especially if you are unsure about the Life Resolutions of that person. The horror of judgment might be part of the reason why some of us hesitate to share these issues with other people, which, unfortunately, can worsen the situation.
According to Jodie Brenton, a psychologist performs a significant role to understand how behavioral, social and biological aspects can impact human health. The Jodie Brenton has expertise to recognize how basic cognitive and behavioral processes (e.g. personality, cognition, motivation, development, emotions, cultural and social interaction) make the body produce dysfunctions and its treatment. Jodie Brenton can help the persons to change their behavior and life resolution to prevent themselves from health and psychological problems. Jodie Brenton Life Resolutions also help and train the other psychologists to become more expert in diagnosing the psychological problems in their patients. Mary Magalotti is Principal Psychologist and the organizer of Life Resolutions, she divided the health care into three subcategories which are given below.
Primary care
The primary health care in life resolution includes, the behavioral health promotion and illness prevention methods.
Secondary care
It includes psychological diagnoses and evaluations for psychological treatments and reintegration. This care can be given to kids, teenagers, adults, old age people who have present learning disabilities, mentally retardation including the brain-damaged.
Tertiary care
Psychologist Essendon treatment team cares for patients who have the acute and chronic psychological aspects, life-threatening diseases such as cancer, renal and respiratory diseases. Mary Magalotti Life Resolutions played a significant role of in the cognitive rehabilitation assessment, identification of patient care in which brain-damage is increasing.
Psychologists are working independently in clinics and other health care units for treatment of psychological patients. They provide mental health and treat its illness through psychiatric hospitals and mental health centers. They also provide behavioral health to the patients and deal with the physical health and illness of behavioral dimensions. Psychologist Essendon can provide the Psychological health and clinical services to both outpatient and inpatient units. The patients who function individually and to those patients who need Psychological evaluation can also contact Psychologist Essendon. Jodie Brenton Life Resolutions and Mary Magalotti Life Resolutions described that the services which can be delivered by psychologists are treatment, intervention, diagnosis, assessment and consultation. Psychologist Essendon can also provide psychological administration, supervision, services, evaluation and planning of the patients who have mental illness and life resolution psychological problems. The research on Life Resolutions is contributing to enhance the knowledge in the field of psychology.