Your current car has done well for you, but perhaps you’ve recently gotten a raise and can afford something better. Maybe you have different needs now because you’ve had children or are going on more road trips. Whatever the reason may be, you could sell your car and buy a new one, but the smarter choice is likely to trade in your car.
If you’ve never traded in an old car for a newer one, this decision can seem a little overwhelming at first. But fear not— trading in cars is a common practice. That being said, there are certainly things you can do which will help make the process more seamless and less stressful.
Here are four simple tips for trading in your car.
Know Its Value
Do your research beforehand and feel confident that you know the value of your vehicle before trading it in. You can find out the value of your car by checking Bluebook, doing research on the internet, and asking folks more knowledgeable than yourself. Ask used car lots what they would buy or sell your car for, and check Craigslist to see what similar cars are going for. Once you know what your car is worth, no one will be able to scam you and you will be able to make a fair trade.
Detail It
No matter how clean you think your car is, if you are trying to sell it or trade it in it will almost always benefit from a deep clean. You may choose to clean it yourself or take it to a professional detailer, but either way make sure it looks and smells brand new, inside and out. Also, if there are any dents in the body or cracks in the windows or windshield, taking care of those will increase its trade-in value greatly.
Don’t Be Impulsive
You may impulsively decide that you no longer like your car and would prefer a different one, but this is a big and potentially expensive decision that deserves to be thought thorough. Give yourself some time, sleep on it, and maybe talk it out with your family. You wouldn’t want to end up with a car you like even less than the one you have now.
Be Fair
If your car doesn’t run or has major mechanical issues, trading it in is probably not the best option for you. You wouldn’t like it if anyone tried to swindle you, so don’t swindle anyone else. Trade your car in for what you know its worth.
Hopefully the above tips will help relieve your anxieties about trading in your car. As long as you do your research, know its value, and treat others the same way you’d like to be treated, you should be just fine!