Everybody wants to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, but many people are prevented from worrying that it is just too hard to achieve. That is not true; there are simple and easy choices that you can make that mean having a healthier lifestyle does not need to be time-consuming and difficult. There are easy and sustainable smart alternatives for a healthier lifestyle that anybody can try.
Swap Out Fizzy Drinks for Water
Swapping out those carbonated beverages, which tend to be high in sugars like high-fructose corn syrup, is a simple and healthy choice that cuts down the calories you consume. Not only are you likely to be reducing your sugar intake, but when you swap sodas for water, you will replenish the water supply in your body. This is essential for carrying out bodily functions, especially those that your body needs to manage its weight and carry oxygen and nutrients around the body. Studies have supported the claim that drinking water helps you to lose weight. Among overweight or obese people, those who drank water instead of other beverages lost 4.5 more pounds than a control group.
The amount of water we need to function properly depends on many things, including humidity, the amount of physical exercise you do, and how much you weigh. Humans, on average, need about 3.2 liters of water each day. Keep in mind that we get about 20% of the water we need from our food, so aim to drink three liters of water a day – about ten glasses. Whenever you urinate, look at the color of your urine. If it is any darker than slightly yellow, you should immediately drink a glass of water. A great way to help make this healthy choice a little easier is to carry a bottle of water around with you. You can also drink a big glass of water every time you feel hungry, filling you up. If you do not like the taste of water, try putting a slice of lemon or another fruit in your water bottle. Just avoid adding sugar!
Swap Cigarettes for Vaping
Every smoker knows that their habit is likely to be having a huge impact on their health. Despite the known risks, the majority of smokers continue to smoke because it is so addictive. Even though 70% of smokers intended to quit at some point, very few people manage to because of the severe nicotine withdrawal. Swapping your cigarette for a healthier nicotine alternative is a great first step on the journey of quitting smoking for good.
Vapes are a great choice for smokers who are looking to live a healthier lifestyle. These can give you the same feeling of smoking, with fewer of the hundreds of negative side effects. There is a whole range of different vape products and vape e-liquids flavors, making it easy to find your preferred alternative to cigarettes.
Take the Stairs
Taking the stairs instead of using a building’s elevators is another easy way of making your lifestyle a little bit healthier. It is a smart choice, but it does not seem too significant to many people. How could taking the stairs make a real difference? Well, stair climbing is considered a high-intensity physical activity and has been found to burn more calories per minute than jogging. It has also been found to reduce stroke risk, strengthen muscles, and improve your heart system’s health: cardiovascular health.
Change the Way You Snack
It can be easy to consume unhealthy foods without even realizing it when you are snacking. Just one potato chip can become an entire packet without you being fully conscious of it! Because of that, aim to always have healthy snacks at hand – do not give yourself a choice. Try stocking your kitchen with fruit, smoothies, or yogurt. You should aim to always have something at hand, ready, and waiting for you when you feel hungry. This will help you avoid eating junk food, which most people prefer because it is easier to eat and more accessible.
Go for Color
One of the easiest ways of improving your diet is simply by looking at your meals’ color. If you look at your plate and the majority of your food is brown or beige, you should look to make a change and get some vibrant veggies on the plate. You should swap out beige foods for more colorful alternatives – a change of potatoes for sweet potatoes will do a world of good.